Saturday, June 9, 2012


Since my last blog, I have stepped on land mines, strolled through the valleys and climbed an incredibly tall mountain.

I refer to land mines, because the obstacles that I have pushed through are ones that make you step back and reevaluate and ask yourself, REALLY? REALLY? The following is one example:
It was an exciting day when I hired, meaning, "paying", someone to assist me. She was fantastic for a couple of weeks. Then one day no assistant. No phone call, no text, no email, no nothing. One day during that particular week, I received a phone call from a family friend and mentioned my frustration. I was amazed to the response of, "welcome to the world of business today".

My experiences are like an awakening for me. Now that I have been exposed to this disrespectful behavior, it is amazing how often this happens in the business world.The work ethic of today is nothing like the work ethic of the past.

I grew up watching my entire family, grandparents, my parents, aunts and uncles be dedicated to responsibility and respect for their work, family and friends.  I cannot stress enough about the meaning of  RESPECT and COMMITMENT.

The valleys have been wonderful. This is the part that makes me keep putting one foot in front of the other. Introducing and discussing my aprons to past, new and potential clients is fantastic. When they see my aprons for the first time their response is always, "I Love it!" Receiving orders from past customers is always exciting. I absolutely believe in my product. I will never design anything you cannot use. As I have stated before, my aprons are PRACTICAL, SUSTAINABLE, AND FASHIONABLE.

Climbing the mountain has been very difficult, at times. This is the business part of the company. Figuring cost per square inch, excel charts, data input, inventory, calculations, quikbooks, and the list goes on and on. This is the part that is the heartbeat of the company. It demands a lot of attention. I have to give credit where credit is due. I could not have reached the top of the mountain without help. I have had incredible people help me. They have given their time to me, unconditionally. I am presently at the top of the mountain and I want to say thank you to everyone that has helped me thus far.

I am presently working on a web page.  One step at a time.


  1. Hey blogging buddy! Next time I see you, I want to place an order for an apron! I love how you have combined all your passions and talents into one tangible creation!
